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Today we r going to discuss what being a vegan means to us as individuals n the planet in its entirety. Being a vegan means a person who does not eat meat, does not consume dairy, does not wear leather n other clothing items which come from harming animals and does not use any such products which may be the direct result of harming animals. Now what wud induce a person to go vegan? Of course these days the most popular reason is change in one's diets which leads to healthier eating habits which lead to a better lifestyle. Healthy body, glowing skin n hair, who doesn't want it?? But what's the other n real reason for going Vegan? Compassion of course. Awakening of one's conscience. Nobody has the right to  harm,torture n kill other species for ones consumption.. all living beings have been created equal in the eyes of God. N even if thats not the case we have been given the intelligence, conscience n the gift of speech to make the right choices. We as a species are ...

Being Vegan

The idea of being vegan is to reduce as much suffering n cruelty towards other species as possible. It does not n shud not make a vegan feel self righteous but its also not cool when others come on a mud slinging fest by saying things like plants also have life etc n quoting others. There r people in this world who r fruitarians n others who only eat that which falls of a tree. I do not even know what they r called. Some People try to live as much of an impact free life as they r capable of. And this can only happen when ur conscience awakens within u. One person's ideology is just his own. It can't be a majority. Pls get ur facts right n before anything else, more importantly have a heart. Feel. Think if it's ur wife who was raped every nine months so that she cud provide milk for other people's consumption,how wud u feel? Think if it was ur child who as soon as he/she dropped out of its mother's womb was picked off the ground n carted off to a butchery to be slaug...

Schindler's list

Ever since I turned vegetarian about three years ago, it had been on my mind that I want to turn vegan as soon as I can make the transition. The only thing that kept me from becoming one was the taste of curd n buttermilk, chocolates n ice cream that I loved so much. N then one day about four months ago the time came when I suddenly turned vegan. I started giving away all my leather clothing n accessories n doing the small things that helped me transition into veganism. And then I realized that it's all in the mind just like I did when I had turned vegetarian. It's not as much as the requirement of ur body demanding those things as much as making up ur mind to make the transformation. Yesterday I was watching Schindler's list. I didn't catch the entire movie but just the last fifteen mins or so. However it made me cry when all the women n children that Schindler paid for ended up at Auschwitz instead of where they were supposed to their husbands n a form of fr...

The agony of family visits

I m currently on a "family vacation" at my mom's house in our native place which is quite modern. I m forced to mention this since in our Indian culture, we tend to think of our native place as that rural place where we go duty bound once a year to pay our dues. Anyways, here I m with my dysfunctional family of two elder brothers one of whom refuses to acknowledge me as his sister n the other still trying to control the house. And I discovered something suddenly today..well..not so much as discovered as was an eureka moment... I realised that Indian men(most of them) do not appreciate the intelligence of Indian women. They still see themselves as some superior, highly intelligent species ( and here I m trying very hard to control my vocabulary n not give vent to the abusive language that is itching to come out of me).  Some of my male readers out there may feel offended by reading this.. however to prove my point,i will give you all a simple ...

Beauty of Life

Every night a white cat comes home to sleep on my bed n leaves the next morning. Then I do not see her for the entire day..even if I go looking for her, I don't find her anywhere. But then at night when I open my door, there she is waiting patiently for me to welcome her into my house so she can sleep on my bed like the royalty she is.  This had happened earlier, then it stopped. Then unexpectedly i come home one night, n she's lying on my welcome mat outside my door, sleepy, looking at me as if to ask, ' where have u been? I have been waiting here '.  I open my door n she walks right in as if she belongs, explores the entire house all over again n then jumps on my bed n goes right to sleep. Come morning,her meowing wakes me up, demanding to be let out.  N the cycle begins again. Mind you..she never eats in my house nor has she marked it yet. I m a vegan so perhaps I think she doesn't like vegan food. Well, I don't force her..not that you can force a free sp...

Relationships: truth or dare

                               Relationships are such tricky bastards. a few bad experiences in any part of your life can sour your experiences for the rest of your life. but then having said that, is it our past experiences that sour us or experiences with particular people that sour us towards any future prospects?? for eg; if you were sexually abused as a child, would it cause you to distrust every male in the future? or would u perhaps be attracted towards the abusive type personality? if you were abused as a wife or a husband, would you then cease to trust the next potential person who came into your life or would you perhaps be attracted only to a personality type similar to that of your ex? if your parent(s) were partial toawrds your siblings during your childhood, would it cause you to hate your parent(s) or would you strive harder to become their ideal child? if your best friends ultimately t...

The Beginning

10.25 in the morning, sitting in front of my TV watching or not watching Tarzan II, I guess it’s just on so that I have some noise in the house… there - its on mute now..but then why do I still have it on…ok…the TV’s off now. Ok, so where was I? Oh yea, 10.25 in the morning, sitting with my phone in my hand trying to write something coz many of my friends have shown faith in me by encouraging me to write n I m sick n tired of telling them that I m not a writer. N yet they keep telling me to go ahead n write. So here goes nothing. After a very emotional evening yesterday n a very tempting suicidal day before (quite literally), I was actually googling ways to commit suicide painlessly…yea my friend found it very funny when I was crying my heart out to him yesterday evening..he actually burst out laughing when he heard me say that..poor guy cudnt help himself..but he ended up giving me some good advice.. he gave me all the clichés possible that we all hear these days primarily thr...