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Relationships: truth or dare

                               Relationships are such tricky bastards. a few bad experiences in any part of your life can sour your experiences for the rest of your life. but then having said that, is it our past experiences that sour us or experiences with particular people that sour us towards any future prospects??
for eg; if you were sexually abused as a child, would it cause you to distrust every male in the future? or would u perhaps be attracted towards the abusive type personality?
if you were abused as a wife or a husband, would you then cease to trust the next potential person who came into your life or would you perhaps be attracted only to a personality type similar to that of your ex?
if your parent(s) were partial toawrds your siblings during your childhood, would it cause you to hate your parent(s) or would you strive harder to become their ideal child?
if your best friends ultimately turned out never to have loved you for yourself but just for what you could provide for them, would it make you turn away from, distrust others who would try to become your best friends sometime in the future or would it cause you to strive to become a better provider, so that your other friends may consider you their best friend?
                               what causes one person to react and evolve in one way n another to evolve differently while faced with the same set of circumstances? its the same upbringing, same conditioning n yet two people grow up differently. one becomes a positive, light loving, kind compassionate being while the other grows up to be this negative, self hating, confused, people hating loner?
                               so many questions, so few answers....n yet the quest continues... soul searching, trying to figure things out, to make sense from the chaos, to bring a pinprick of light, of understanding that will make the journey of this soul a little easier. 
