U lied to me. I know, I know, u said several times that what we have n can ever have is only a casual relationship. And yet I was stupid enough to fall for u... Hook, line n sinker. And you were perceptive enough to realize it. I remember the day u warned me against getting involved with you. And I remember my reply as well. I said in all my naivety, "don't worry, it's my problem, not yours". Days passed, all seemed well. In my heart of hearts, I kept thinking that with time maybe you will begin to see me for who I am, like me... you already do, maybe with time you might even fall in love with me. And so it seemed. As your respect for me grew, I imagined you started loving me as well. Or so it seemed. The way your messages took on a more personal touch, I imagined you wanted to get to know me more intimately. Or so it seemed. The way we cudnt get thru the day without keeping each other updated, I imagined you had begun caring for me the way I do for u. Or so it seeme...